Kishokai Medical Corporation Kishokai Medical Corporation

Distinctive Features of Bell Network

Bell Network Quality


Peace of mind even for first time mothers
Abundant experience in delivery

A total of 117,466 deliveries.
Chosen by a multitude of mothers
※Number is for all clinics in the Bell Network group

(From August 2006 to February 1st, 2025.)


Provision of
high level medical services

255 doctors through our entire organization support your childbirth.

(as of February 1st, 2025.)

Peace of mind even in unusual situations
Coordination with other hospitals

Coordination with other nearby hospitals.
A system prepared for emergency situations.

Secure birth, and bright future

Kishokai contributes to the development and advancement of regional health care through the maintenance of
obstetrics facilities that are customized to fit each region, and through cooperation in the Bell Network,
provides an environment where women can receive high level care and services anywhere.
We have built a system wherein every Bell Network clinic, while rooted in medical care service provision in each region,
makes the most of the advantages of group management, providing the kind of delivery the patient desires, at a high level of care.

  • Obstetrics/

    We provide complete
    examinations for women
    and gynecological surgery

  • Infertility Treatment

    We provide high-level
    infertility treatment such as
    in vitro fertilization and microfertilization

  • Chinese Medicine Gynecology

    Combining both eastern and
    western medicine to provide
    the best treatment

  • Women's Medicine

    We provide examinations
    such as mammography for breast
    cancer and uterine cancer.

  • Maternity Dentistry

    Care for the mother's oral health
    at each stage of her pregnancy.

  • Pediatrics

    Through coordination by our
    pediatricians, we provide neonatal
    examinations and pediatric care

Pregnancy and Childbirth That Can Only Be Experienced
in the Bell Network

In the Bell Network, in addition to high quality medical care,
we strive to find new ways to make this incredibly important event in your life a wonderful experience.

  • Pregnancy Record Book

    Record the events of your pregnancy in a unique way.
    You can create an original, one-of-a-kind book.
    Along with the Maternal and Child Health Handbook, it can be a present for your child when they are older.
    Winner of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity Grand Prix
    Click here for mother information the Pregnancy Record Book.

  • Original Teddy Bear

    The Bell Network has realized Margarete
    Steiff's idea of "the best for all children."
    These bears are made of materials
    that are safe even if put in the baby's mouth.

  • Newborn Photo

    A professional photographer will
    record the moment of great joy.

After childbirth
  • Post-childbirth Mommy Events

    After childbirth we thoroughly support mothers
    in childrearing by providing a place for
    them to meet with other mothers.