To support women's health over their whole lives,
and help bring life into the future.
The Nursing Division is made up of roughly 500 members, including midwives,
nurses, medical aids and medical assistants. Out of that 500, 228 are midwives. (as of November, 1st 2019)
92% of our midwives have completed this training, with four having become instructors who conduct at each of our clinics.
Utilizing both outside and internal instructors, we are working to train all Kishokai employees (including doctors and administrative staff) in these techniques. Currently, 33% of our midwives have received the training, and we are also cultivating internal instructors. Of about 1,000 employees, 58% have received this training.
This is a program to inspect and certify that that our nurses' competencies for midwifery practice are maintained at a constant level. The Japanese Nursing Association's clinical ladder accreditation began in 2015, and we also work to promote the certification of midwives in Ladder Level III. About the certification system for Level III of Clinical Ladder of Competencies for Midwifery Practice
Advanced Midwives are veteran midwives certified by the Japan Institute of Midwifery Evaluation as having cleared 16 separate requirements, including training in dealing with bleeding, training labor monitoring, and having attended over 100 deliveries and 200 antenatal care sessions. We are striving to even further increase our number of advanced midwives. In addition to this, we are implementing a diverse selection of career-improvement systems and new midwife training.
As our organization handles over 8,000 deliveries a year, we have encountered many abnormal cases. When there is an obstetric abnormality, a report is immediately sent to all of our clinics. A conference is held checking the findings of the attached fetal monitor and the applied treatments against obstetric guidelines, and the content of that conference is further shared with all clinics.
Our goal is not simply "to support women's health over their whole lives," through our day-to-day work in the clinics, but to "help bring life into the future," by expanding our socially-conscious activities out to cooperating areas and schools.